Palliative treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
rheumatic spondylitis,osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, chronica, psoriatic arthritis, buraitis, tendinitis, synovitis,
fibrositis, mucositis, neuritis, bronchial, asthma, rheumatic fever, addison's disease. Waterhouse-liriderichen's
syndrome, allergies, serum sickness, drug sensitivity.
Depending on the severity of the disease and the susceptibility of the patient, the initial dose usually is 3-4.5mg
daily, and up to 6-9mg in severe asthma bronchiale, divided in 4 oral doses, or give intramuscularly in one dose.
As soon as a good response is noted the daily dosage is reduced gradually by 0.5-1mg every two to three days,
until the optimum maintenance dosage is established (usual range between 1 and 4 mg per day)